School Nurse

Nurse's Office: (850) 833-4142, option 5
Julie Riffle
Please consider donating to help fund our school nurse!
Students are not allowed to have any medication in their possession without permission from the school and their physician. Violation of this policy can result in a discipline referral. Please remember that prescriptions must be current. Over-the-counter medications should be unopened, not expired, and must be age appropriate. ALL medications must have a Dispersion of Medication form filled out and on file in the nurse's clinic. Medications that are kept in the nurse's clinic must be brought to school by the parent or guardian. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call the clinic at 833-4142, option 5. Leave a message and the Nurse will return your call.
Although your child's daily attendance in class is very important to her or his education, please remember that it is important to keep your child home if they are not feeling well.
It is especially important for them to be kept at home to prevent spreading germs if they have been running a fever, have a sore throat, have been throwing up, or have had diarrhea.
This is for their comfort as much as the wellbeing of the other students at school. For strep throat or pink eye, they must be on an antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to class. For fevers, vomiting & diarrhea it should also be 24 hours from the last episode.

DON'T come to school feeling ill!
Parents and Guardians, keep your student AT HOME if they have ANY of the following symptoms:
Fever greater than 99.9°F - it doesn't matter if the fever comes down using fever-reducing medicines such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Controlling the fever does not control the infection!
Vomiting more than once • Diarrhea -
Colds and influenza are the most contagious during the first 48 hours and we ask that you please keep your student AT HOME if they are not feeling well. Thank you for helping keep our students healthy and in school!
Thanks for helping us keep everyone at Ruckel healthy & in school.
Do your children currently have health insurance?
If the answer is no, Florida KidCare may be the answer. Florida State Department of Health
More info at 1-877-352-3581