Administrative Staff

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Krista Jolly

School Secretary

schedules appointments with the principal, facilitates the use of substitute teachers, and maintains school attendance records, as well as serving as Front Office receptionist.

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Kim Piccorossi

Student Services Secretary

will assist you with discipline issues, bus schedules, and other matters. Her desk is outside past the bookkeeper's office.

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Kristy Davies


assists with any matters regarding funds and payments. Her office is near the Guidance department.

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Julie Riffle

School Nurse
850-833-4142, option 5
clinic information

administering medication during school hours, picking up a sick child, and other public health issues.

Support Staff

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Janet Simpson

Administrative Assistant/STP

Okaloosa County Sheriff School Resource Officer

Student Crime Stoppers Business Card

To learn more about the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office, please visit
To learn more about the Okaloosa County School Resource Officer program, visit

Information for Parents: What is Sexting and What is Child Pornography?

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School Resource Officer

Deputy Chad Smith
School Resource Officer (SRO)
At C.W. Ruckel Middle School, the safety of students and staff is of the utmost importance. The Okaloosa County School Board and the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office have teamed up in order to maintain a safe learning environment in our schools. A full time Deputy Sheriff, known as the School Resource Officer (SRO), has been assigned to each middle and high school campus. The SRO for Ruckel Middle School is not only responsible for the safety of the students and staff, but also mediates student/student and student/ parent conflicts. The officer is available for conferences related to law enforcement and crime prevention. The officer gives classroom presentations on law related issues, and hosts small group discussions. Deputy Smith can be reached during school hours at 833-4142.