Ruckel Middle School is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment. As a part of ensuring students have every opportunity to learn and grow we will be implementing a Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program across our campus. Our PBIS framework highlights students earn recognition for exhibiting safety, responsibility, respect, and by being ready to learn.
A key component to the PBIS program is our RAM Expectations. These Positive Behavior Expectations are expected of every Ruckel Ram.

PBIS Growth Initiatives for 2023-24
PBIS is also promoted during our weekly homeroom activities. A 10minute homeroom has been worked into the school schedule. Mondays are used to help students organize items and their weekly schedule, Tuesday/Thursday and Friday are used to build reading stamina while teachers use this time to meet with students and foster relationships while helping students review grades, missing work and upcoming activities. On Wednesday teachers are provided with a short lesson to present to students. These lessons include leadership, goal setting, citizenship, community involvement, career insight, social media safety, kindness and respect, critical thinking skills and building positive self-esteem.
Ruckel will continue the core value award for students who exhibit the values embedded in our PBIS program, this award is given out once a quarter.
The STAR Ram award is given out weekly to students that exhibit specific instances of good deeds.
Teachers will be sending home positive postcards monthly for students to share the good news about students deeds and leadership shown.