
Volunteer FormLink to Volunteer Info Videos Here
Permission Form MIS5185 | Classroom Procedures

Ruckel Chorus is a daily elective class taught and directed by Christian Feazell

You can contact Mr. Feazell at

Chorus Aide: Mr. Larimer

Mr. Feazell's Class Practice Chorus Website HERE.
You are leaving the Ruckel Middle School official website.

Chorus Sight-Reading Club every Wednesday from 2:30 to 3:00 pm.
Open to ALL interested Chorus Students to work on Sight-Singing Skills.

Chorus Parents, If you intend to chaperone
any RMS Chorus event during the year, please go to the following link
and complete the online form to be an official Okaloosa County Volunteer.
Okaloosa County online Volunteer Form Here

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