
Band Class Policies-New 2024
Beginning Band | Intermediate Band | Advanced Band | Honor Band

RMS Band Calendar:
Band is an elective class taught and directed by Mrs. Emilia Tenoré

Band Assistant:
Courtney Noe

Visit the Band Website for the most up to date information and calendar.

To receive text updates regarding RMS Band activities, text the following input to 81010:

  • @rambandbeg -- Beginning Band

  • @rambandint -- Intermediate Band

  • @rambandadv -- Advanced Band

  • @rambandhon-- Honor Band

  • @rambandfbb -- Football Band

  • @rambandjz -- Jazz Band

  • @ramband5th - 5th Grade Band

Ruckel's Band Program uses the Charms Office Assistant program to help coordinate the many aspects of band participation. Click on the Charms Office Assistant link above to access this site.

Direct Link to Charms Office Assistant Adult/Student Area:

If the link takes you to a page asking for "School Code," ours is cwruckelband.

No further log-in or password is required after entering the school code to view the calendar.

To update your contact info, you must enter the student's school ID number (the same number that you use for Grades Online/Parent Portal) into the student area password box. Once that number is entered you will be logged in, but you will get a pop-up window asking you to set your own password to use for future log-ins.

Please edit your information to help us maintain up-to-date records. Accurate email addresses are critical, so please take a moment to make sure we have your correct information.

You will be leaving the Ruckel Middle School website when you go to the Charms site.

Thanks to all the Band Parents who helped make things run smoothly!

You're what makes the Ram Band the best it can be!!

Ruckel Honor Band performing at 2020 MPA


2022-2023 Class Policies and Procedures for RMS Bands

  • It may be necessary for individuals or sections to stay after school from time to time to complete assignments or pass-offs.

  • Jazz Band will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays (during Football season only on Tuesday) 6:55 to 7:35 am.

  • Football Band will meet Thursdays 6:55 to 7:35 am during football season only.

  • Fifth Grade Band meets on Monday (woodwinds), Wednesday (brass), and Friday (all instruments) 7:00 to 7:45 am.