Foundations of Web Design (8th Grade-pre-requisite Fundamentals of Web Design-High School Credit)
Students focus Advanced Skills in HTML and CSS and are introduced to JavaScript.
They will have the opportunity to develop and publish multiple web sites of their own creations and will develop a mobile app.
Certification offered IT Specialist App Development formerly MTA.
Fundamentals of Web Design and Software Development (7th/8th Grade)Students focus on an ever-changing world of Web technologies where they learn programming Web sites.
Students are introduced to HTML and CSS fundamentals. They have the opportunity to create up to 5 web sites including 2 of their own. At least 3 of these will be published to the world wide web.
Certification offered IT Specialist Introduction to Programming Using HTML5 & CSS3 formerly MTA .
Coding Fundamentals (all grades- 7th and 8th graders are encouraged to take Fundamentals of Web) Students focus on problem solving in technology and in real life situations. This course introduces students to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python basics. Students have the opportunity to create a web site and an app, and apply python basics to the Circuit Playground. Certification offered ICT Web Design Essentials
Advanced IT- Foundations of Programming (8th Grade-High School Credit)-The purpose of this course is to provide a solid foundation to the data science program of courses. The technical knowledge and skills learned here prepare students for further education and careers in data analytics and data science. Additionally, students will practice higher-order reasoning, problem solving skills, technical skills, as well as general employability skills.
Certification offered Knowledge Pillars LLC: Python Coding Specialist
6th Grade Introduction to Technology
Introduction to Technology will expose students to the facets of technology. Students will gather knowledge and will be introduced to the design and problem solving processes using manipulative skills while working cooperatively with others in team activities. The students will bring their creative minds, creative abilities, and hands-on skills together to solve challenges.
7th Grade Exploring IT Careers
The purpose of Exploring IT Careers is to assist students in making informed decisions regarding their academic and occupational goals, and to provide information regarding careers in the Information Technology career clusters.
Using both online and hands-on resources, students work with partners, and in small groups, participating in engineering-design activities. These activities involve students in experiences where they learn about brainstorming, visualizing, modeling, constructing, testing, and refining designs.
8th Grade Exploring Technology and Career Planning
The Exploring Technology course gives students an opportunity to explore the area of production technology with a focus on robotics. Students solve technological problems using a variety of tools, materials, processes and systems while gaining an understanding of the effects of production technology on our everyday lives. Using the engineering design process, students work in pairs and small teams to solve problems and complete various tasks. In addition, students learn basic programming concepts through platforms such as Scratch, Ozoblockly, and Legos EV3.