Dress Code
(A) Appropriate student grooming and dress are primarily the responsibility of the student and parent. However, in adopting a code of student dress, it is the intent of the school board to insure that a student's personal hygiene, appearance, or dress is such that it does not disrupt or interfere with the educational process or endanger the health and safety of the student or others.
(B) The wearing of garments appropriate for school is to be encouraged. All instructors should be alert to give helpful, friendly guidance in these matters without embarrassment to the pupil. Failure of any student to dress simply and appropriately should be brought to the attention of the principal. Extremes in dress, hair style, make-up, or jewelry are not in good taste and should be discouraged. The principal of the individual school will determine when these provisions have been violated and will make the initial decision as to conformity to policy and discipline for offenders.
(C) If a student is suspended for violating any provision of this code, he or she must be readmitted to school as soon as the violation has been corrected.
Guidelines to assist students, parents, and administrators toward a better understanding of the above are specifically: Middle School and High School Students (6-12)
(1) General: (a) Minimum length of clothing appropriate for school should approach the top of the knee.
(b) No hats are to be worn inside the building.
(c) Garments bearing inappropriate slogans or pictures are not permitted (i.e., alcohol, drugs, racial remarks, or sexual connotations).
(d) Shoes or sandals must be worn at all times.
(e) Hair must be neat and clean at all times and must not interfere with student's vision. No beards or mustaches may be worn to school.
(f) Tank tops and similar shirts or blouses, when worn without another top, are not permitted. The midriff must be covered and undergarments must not show at any time.
(2) Personal grooming for all students who voluntarily participate in extracurricular activities (i.e., athletics, band, JROTC, etc.):
(a) Students who voluntarily participate in activities that require a certain uniformity in personal grooming may be required to groom themselves in a more moderate fashion during the time that they are participating in the particular activity.
(b) A student must be informed of the above requirements before he or she is admitted as a participant in the activity.
(c) Students who are members of school sponsored groups having approved uniforms may wear the designated uniform when participating in activities approved by the principal.
Statutory Authority: Sections 1001.41; 1001.42, Florida Statutes Laws Implemented: Section 1001.43, Florida Statutes

Spirit Wear Policy/Accepted Attire
Students will wear a Ruckel Spirit Shirt from Monday to Thursday each week.
Acceptable Ruckel Spirit Wear items include: RMS Shirts (long and short sleeve/any material), RMS Polos (short/long sleeve//button up or regular), RMS Hoodies/Sweatshirt, RMS Team Jersey/Uniform
All Shirts must be full length, crew neck, and unaltered.
All current and previous years RMS Spirit Wear is acceptable.
Any button or zippered jacket is acceptable. Students that wear a jacket must be able to show the RMS Spirit Shirt underneath.
For any questions please visit our FAQ page