In order for your student to fully benefit from the instructional program, they must attend school regularly, be on time for classes and satisfy all course requirements. Poor attendance or excessive tardiness may result in low grades or failure.
No phone call is necessary the day your student is out; however, a written note is required to be sent with your student the day they return to school.
The student must bring the note to the Front Office when they arrive on campus and the school secretary will verify the note and enter the excused absence. New Parents can now add the excused note to focus.
No absence will be excused without a written note.
Parents who check a student out of class or sign in on campus MUST HAVE A VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE as their identification.
All end-of-day student check-outs must be completed by 2:00 pm. Contact the Front Office at 833-4142 if you have questions.
Please update your contact list in the Front Office if any changes have occurred!
School board attendance policies are listed below.
Students will have five (5) school days, including the day they return, to bring in written verification for an excused absence. The absence will be considered unexcused if the school does not receive written verification for the excused absence within that time frame.
After the ninth (9th) absence (excused or unexcused) in any class period per semester, a letter will be sent to the parents or legal guardian notifying them of the necessity for a doctor's excuse or an excuse from an official agency. In addition, this letter will notify parents of the consequences of any additional absences.
After the fifteenth (15th) absence per semester in any class period, no make-up work will be allowed for that class. The student can still pass the class, if at the end of the semester s/he has a passing grade.
A notification letter will be sent home when a student has between 5 and 8 days absent (excused or unexcused) and again when the student has 10 days absent (excused or unexcused). When a student has 14 days absent, a letter will be sent home requesting a conference with a parent.
Students will be allotted 5 school days to complete assignments following an excused absence. The 5-day period begins the day the student returns to school.
Early assignment requests should be made by the student directly to the teacher. Teachers will have the choice to give early assignments or to wait till the student returns to class.
Excessive tardiness to school may cause the student to struggle in class. Even 10 minutes late may result in missed class work and assignments. An unexcused tardy is considered misconduct. If a student has 1-3 unexcused tardies to class, the student will receive a warning. Students with 4-7 unexcused tardies will be assigned detention. Students with 8-11 unexcused tardies will be assigned Saturday School by administration. Twelve and over unexcused tardies the student will receive a student referral.
If a student misses more than 50% of a class period, it is considered an absence from that class.
It is important to be in class on time when lessons begin and to receive the entire period of instruction. It is imperative that other students' instruction is not interrupted by tardies and early checkouts.
To insure that all students receive quality, uninterrupted instructional time, Ruckel Middle School will not interrupt class time. Office staff will not be responsible for delivering items of non-instructional nature (balloons, flowers, food, etc.) to students during the school day. If parents deliver an item of instructional nature, the front office will contact the teacher during the last few minutes of class to notify your child. Students may stop by the office to pick up the item between classes.
If there are any questions or concerns about the policies, please do not hesitate to call 833-4142.
Any questions? Please call the Attendance Office at 833-4142. See Policy Letter Here
page styled by: D. Barraza 8th grade 2024-25