Be Ready For Seventh Grade -- Get your Immunizations! -- A reminder to 6th grade parents that your child will need a Tdap vaccine before he or she begins 7th grade. These can be obtained privately or at the Okaloosa County Health Department at no charge. Please bring proof of this immunization (on a Florida Certificate of Immunization Form DH680) to the school Front Office so it may be entered in the system before their 7th grade school year.
The CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend every child continues to receive routine vaccinations during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Please Note: Your student's certificate of immunization card must be updated by your medical caregiver -- we cannot do it at the school. You may check with the school and receive a copy of the current immunization record to take with you to your appointment.
Before attending school in Florida (kindergarten through 12th grade), each child must provide a Form DH 680, Florida Certification of Immunization, documenting the following vaccinations:
Public/Non-Public Schools Kindergarten through 12th Grade:
• Four or five doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) vaccine
• Two or three doses of hepatitis B (Hep B) vaccine
• Three, four, or five doses of polio vaccine*
• Two doses of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine
• Two doses of varicella vaccine† for kindergarten and grades one through five
• One dose of varicella vaccine† for grades six through twelve
* If the fourth dose of vaccine is administered prior to the fourth birthday, a fifth dose of polio vaccine is required for kindergarten.
†Varicella vaccine is not required if varicella disease is documented by the healthcare provider.
Seventh Grade Requirements:
In addition to kindergarten through 12th grade requirements, students must have the following vaccinations:
• One dose of tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) vaccine in grades seven through eleven
Vaccines are provided at no cost for children 18 years and younger at DOH-Okaloosa.
Appointments are required. Call 850-833-9246 to schedule an appointment. SEE FLYER HERE • SEE STATE FLYER HERE
221 Hospital Drive NE, Fort Walton Beach • 810 E. James Lee Blvd, Crestview
All immunizations must be put on a Florida Certificate of Immunization Form 680, which should be available at your health care provider’s office. All immunizations from birth to current should be reflected on the updated Certificate Form 680. Please turn this form in to the Guidance Office.
Any additional questions please contact the Guidance Secretary or Registrar