January 24, 2023

A significant line of weather is scheduled to come through Okaloosa County early tomorrow
morning bringing the potential of damaging winds up to 70 miles per hour. The possibility of
tornadoes cannot be ruled out. This weather system containing thunderstorms will pass through quickly according to Patrick Maddox, Director of Emergency Operations for Okaloosa County.

The timing of the weather has the potential to impact bus transportation tomorrow morning
during the first tier of school bus transportation. High winds will exist and students may be
waiting at bus stops in very inclement weather.

For that reason, we will be shifting all school start times later by one hour tomorrow. All
schools are impacted because of our tiered bus system. Since the first round of buses will be one hour late to the early start schools, that means that bus transportation to the second and third-tier schools will be an hour late as well.

Schools will end at their normally scheduled time tomorrow.

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