Family Empowerment Scholarship Program

What is the Family Empowerment Scholarship Program?
The Family Empowerment Scholarship (FES) Program is a state of Florida school choice program. Family Empowerment Scholarships are available for eligible students to select and attend a private school of choice. To learn more, visit the Florida Department of Education's Family Empowerment Scholarship Program.
Who is Eligible?
A student is eligible for a scholarship if the student meets the following criteria:
The student’s household income level does not exceed 300% of the federal poverty level ($77,250 for a family of four) or the student is on the direct certification list (list of children who qualify for the food assistance program, the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program, or the Food Distribution n Indian Reservations program).
The student is currently placed, or during the previous state fiscal year was placed, in foster care or in out-of-home care as defined in f.s.39.01
The student is eligible to enroll in kindergarten or has spent the prior school year (2018-19) in attendance at a Florida public school. Prior attendance means the student was enrolled in and in attendance at a Florida public school during both the October and February student counts.
How do I apply?
To apply for a private school, please contact one of the following nonprofit Scholarship Funding Organizations (SFO):
Contact Information
Title I/Amy Dale
(850) 301-3008