The Okaloosa County School District Professional Learning Department strives to provide high-quality professional learning activities for all educators and para-professionals whose end goal is to increase student achievement using rigorous, researched-based instructional methods every day in every classroom to produce college and career-ready students.
Activity Approval - Sharon Duron
Activity Management - Rachel Money
Athletic Coaching Coursework - Sharon Duron
Autism Endorsement, ESE - Judy Peacock
ELA, Elementary and Secondary - Denise Berry
ESOL Endorsement - Dr. Anita Choice
Fine Arts and Foreign Languages – Teresa Schroeder
Frontline Platform - Rachel Money
Gifted Endorsement - Judy Peacock
Individual Activity Approval - Sharon Duron
Math, Elementary - Amy Dale
Math, Secondary - Stephanie Gillis
Physical Education - Brian Humphrey
Reading Endorsement - Denise Berry
School-Based Activities - Staff Development Coordinators
Science - Tami Ellis
Social Studies - Denise Berry
Students with Disabilities Courses - Rachel Money
Youth Mental Health Courses - Rebecca Gilpatrick