Access your Employee Portal Account
Employees can access their pay stubs, leave history, edit their contact information, and more from the Employee Self-Service side of the Focus portal. Log in to access your Employee Portal Account with your single sign-on to get started!
Please note, if you are an employee with a child enrolled in the Okaloosa County School District, you will need to create a Parent Portal Account using a personal email address. You will not be able to access your Parent Portal from your Employee Portal or vice versa.
FOCUS Help Desk
Need help accessing your account or finding information in your account? The OCSD Focus Help Desk can help you with these technical issues and more. Contact them via email at FOCUSHelp@okaloosaschools.com or call 850-689-7150 for anything FOCUS related! You can also visit the FOCUS University page linked above for tutorials.
Students, Parents, Employees, and potential employees can access their FOCUS account through the OCSD FOCUS App. The App is available for download on the Apple and Google Play App stores for free! Just download and log-in!