Frequently Asked Questions

Can you add a stop to my student's bus route?
New stops can only be added after the first 10 days of school because the pickup and drop-off times have already been advertised.
To request a new stop, you need to contact the Routing Department and submit your request.
Approval is not guaranteed. The criteria considered include:
Proximity to the nearest stop
Safety of the requested location
Number of students impacted
How the new stop will affect the bus time of other students
Can my student use a bus stop that is closer to our home than the one assigned?
If your home is near two bus stops on the route to your school, you have the flexibility to choose either stop. However, your child must consistently use the same stop for both morning and afternoon pickups. Once you select a stop, your child will be registered at that location and must board the bus there exclusively. To find the closest stop for your student, please use our Infolocator tool.
Can my student be picked up earlier than the time assigned?
Our routes are based upon efficient routing schemes. We cannot adjust the times to accommodate daycare/after-school needs.
What if there is inclement weather?
In the event of thunder, lightning, or any other hazardous weather conditions in the immediate area that could pose a risk to students’ safety, bus operators will keep students on the bus. Once the weather conditions improve and it is safe to do so, the operator will release the students.
How often does my student have to ride the bus to keep their bus riding privileges?
Students have the flexibility to ride the bus both in the morning and afternoon, or choose to ride only once per day. To remain on the bus roster and keep their designated stop, students must ride at least once a week. Please note that all students must be registered at school to use the bus service.
Morning (AM): No student will be left behind at a morning bus stop. Unregistered students will be transported to school and handed over to a school official.
Afternoon (PM): Only registered students are allowed to ride the bus in the afternoon.
Are there cameras on the buses?
All school buses are equipped with multiple cameras that record video of all activity on the bus while it is in operation.
How do Drivers and the Transportation Office communicate?
All school buses are equipped with a two-way radio system to enable efficient communication with the Transportation department.
Do the school buses have seat belts?
All school buses are equipped with lap seat belts. Students are instructed to wear seat belts at all times while the bus is in motion.
Are students allowed to eat or drink on the bus?
For safety reasons, eating or drinking on the bus is strictly prohibited, except for water. Consuming food on the bus can pose a choking hazard and may trigger allergic reactions in other students.
Can my student bring their Band instrument on the bus?
Students may bring a musical instrument on the school bus if it can be held in their lap or between their legs, and not protrude into the aisle or another student’s space.
Can my student bring their school project on the bus?
Projects that can comfortably fit in a student’s lap or between their legs are allowed. Projects must not include materials that could be harmful to others, such as hazardous liquids, glass, or sharp objects.
Is there a way to find out when a bus will arrive late?
If the Transportation Department is informed that a bus is running at least 15 minutes late, an estimated time of arrival will be sent to the parents of all registered students. Parents will be contacted using the information provided in Bus Bulletin. Please ensure your child’s contact information and bus number are registered or updated using the Bus Bulletin link.
When a bus arrives late at school, the Transportation Department will notify the school office. If possible, the school will hold breakfast for the late students. Students will not be marked tardy due to a late bus.
What if my student's bus is overcrowded?
Routes will be adjusted in a timely manner should a bus become over capacity. If passengers are standing in the aisles or if there are not enough seats for all students, the bus will not move. The bus operator will notify Dispatch, and an additional bus will be sent to transport the excess students. The first bus will remain at the stop with the students until the overflow bus arrives. If the overflow occurs at the school, the students will be left with an administrator.
What is the minimum distance a student must live from the school to qualify for transportation services?
Transportation is provided for elementary students who live more than one mile from their zoned school and for secondary students who live more than two miles from their zoned school. The Florida Department of Education (statute 1011.68) has determined that less than two miles is considered a reasonable walking distance, with the exception of students in an area with hazardous walking conditions.