Student Intervention Services

The Department of Student Intervention Services (SIS) oversees the implementation of policies and procedures related to Florida Statutes and School Board policy in the areas of school athletics, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, safety, student conduct, discipline, alternative education, dropout prevention, home education, health and wellness, guidance services, school psychological services, Section 504, nurses, Response to Intervention (RtI), and English Language Learners (ELL).
Tracey Lamb, Director I Student Services
(850) 833-3108
Teri Schroeder, M.Ed., BSN, RN, Program Director
(850) 833-3108
Dr. Anita Choice, Program Director ESOL and DJJ Coordinator
(850) 833-6312
Beke Heald, Student Services Specialist
(850) 833-3108
Brian Humphrey, District Specialist, Athletics and Discipline
(850) 689-7198
Esther Chandler, District Secretary
(850) 833-3108
Andrea Miracle, District Secretary
Athletics and Discipline
(850) 833-6314 (FAX) (850) 833-3112