Military Veteran Certification Pathway
The Okaloosa County School District is proud to offer the Military Veterans Certification Pathway to Military Veterans who are interested in pursuing a career in education. Military Veterans possess a number of skills that overlap those required to be a successful teacher.
Effective July 1, 2022, the State of Florida offers a 5-year Temporary Certificate for Military Veterans who have not earned a bachelor's degree and meet all of the following preliminary requirements:
Minimum of 48 months of active duty military service with an honorable/medical discharge on DD214.
Minimum of 60 college credits with a 2.5 grade point average on an official transcript.
Passing score on a Florida subject area examination for bachelor’s level subjects (except Exceptional Student Education K–12) which demonstrates mastery of subject area knowledge.
Applicants who meet the preliminary requirements will be issued a Statement of Eligibility with the following final requirements:
Employment in a Florida school district with an assigned mentor.
Cleared background screening.
If you are interested in the Military Veterans Certification Pathway, please contact our Human Resources Department. We cannot wait to hear from you!
Contact the Human Resources office at 850.833.5800 or by email at personnel@okaloosaschools.com.