Accreditation Process

In September 2011, the district hosted a Quality Assurance Review Team comprised of individuals with a variety of educational system backgrounds trained by AdvancED to conduct a comprehensive review of the district’s system. The team spent four days completing a systematic review of our system, interviewing members of each stakeholder group—educators, staff, parents, students, and community members and reviewing hundreds of documents in support of our system’s excellence. The exit report announced another five years of accreditation and validated the quality of our school system.
The district-wide accreditation process involves the following:
A five-year cycle where we host an external review of our school system
Action on any required actions for continuous improvement
Commitment of a mid-cycle (2 ½ year) progress report
Implementation of an internal review
Complete the cycle by hosting another accreditation visit at the end of five years
After each accreditation visit, the External Review Team leaves commendations (accomplishments) and required actions for continuous improvement