Accreditation Commendations and Required Actions

The Quality Assurance Review Team reviewed the Standards Report and quality assurance findings and recognized the following strengths of the Okaloosa County School District:
The governing body (School Board) has successfully implemented an efficient process that provides a systematic review of student performance, as well as school and system effectiveness.
Powerful relationships with local businesses, universities, and the military strengthen the resources available to improve student achievement.
The district has created and maintained a system-wide climate that is conducive to teaching and learning.
There is a comprehensive digital information system, Data Dashboard, in place to provide stakeholders with accurate and timely reports on student and school performance.
The Superintendent is a public relations ambassador who is accessible and respected in the community and takes pride in celebrating student, staff, and community achievement.
The Quality Assurance Review Team reviewed the Standards Report and quality assurance findings and identified the following improvements for Okaloosa County School District:
Provide multiple and ongoing opportunities for all stakeholders (internal as well as external) to shape the district’s vision and mission.
Establish a formalized process for monitoring the alignment of the School Performance Plans with the District’s Strategic Plan as the district continually focuses on increasing student achievement.
Revisit and revise the system’s facilities’ plan for maintaining, improving, and developing sites and facilities in order to ensure safety and equity across all schools.
Develop a system-wide process regarding the district’s methods for ensuring quality assurance and consistency at all schools (e.g., methods to ensure that the AdvancED standards are met by the district and all schools).