ESOL banner

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is designed to meet the diverse needs of students who are still in the process of learning English. The Okaloosa County School District serves over 1,500 English Language Learners (ELLs) who represent more than 50 different language or cultural backgrounds. The traditions and experiences of English Learners and their families bring a rich cultural diversity to our schools and community.

ESOL Mission Statement

Through our program, we strive to create supportive learning environments which value and build on students’ academic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds.  To achieve this, we aim to build teachers’ skills to employ the best instructional practices as we encourage a community of cooperative learning among teachers, the district, parents, and communities.

ESOL Program Goals

  • To promote an appreciation of different cultures and their contributions to our society

  • To ensure that ELLs receive comprehensible instruction by supporting schools and adhering to state and federal rules

  • To provide supplemental support to teachers of ELLs

  • To provide evidence-based academic supports to assist ELL academic achievement and English language acquisition 

ESOL Resources

Contact Information

Dr. Anita G. Choice
Program Director
Phone: (850) 833-6312

Mary Reid
Teacher on Special Assignment
Phone: (850) 833-6312

Esther Chandler
Student Services Administrative Assistant
Phone: (850) 833-3108
Fax: (850) 833-3112

Okaloosa County School District - ESOL/Title III
202A North Highway 85
Niceville, FL 32578