Assistant Principal:
Ms. Rachel Jones
Please email:
*To discuss course placement (Advanced vs. Grade-Level)
*ALL schedule changes after 1st nine-weeks
*Teacher concerns
Dr. Cadey E. Moody
Please email:
*Schedule changes before the 1st nine weeks is over
*Student concerns
*504 plans

Ms. Taja Hanks
Telephone: (850) 833-4301, press 3 when prompted.
Please email:
*When looking to register a new student
*Sending records/requesting records
*Enrollment process
*Schedule parent/teacher conferences
The guidance department at Meigs Middle School provides services in educational planning and placement, implementing testing programs and interpreting test results, coordinating occupational and career information and assisting students, parents, teachers and others anytime. Students and parents are encouraged to make appointments. Parents should call 833-4301 and press option 3 when prompted. Students may stop by the Guidance Office for an appointment to see the counselor.
Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled through the Guidance Office.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 provides that a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities will be treated equally under the law. If your child has a special need, please notify the Guidance Office.
Curriculum and Course Selection Materials for 2025-2026
Curriculum and Course selection materials are provided to students who are attending classes currently at Meigs or are at one of our feeder elementary schools. For parents and students of Okaloosa Online students or coming from a different elementary school, materials are provided below. Materials can also be picked up from our front office during the hours of 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Meigs 2025-2026 Academic Catalog
6th grade Course Selection Form
7th grade Course Selection Form
Student Registration for 2025-2026 School Year
Student Registration
Parents can begin the registration process using the OCSD Registration portal. Through the portal, parents can complete most of the registration process online from home. After the online information is received and reviewed, a representative from Meigs will contact you to make an appointment to complete the registration process.
2025-2026 Controlled Open Enrollment
The Controlled Open Enrollment process is how parents/guardians can seek enrollment for their child in a school other than their zoned school of attendance. Applications should NOT be submitted for schools that are in the attendance zone of the parents/guardians. Please use the School Site Locator to determine the zoned schools for an address.
Controlled Open Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year will re-open on March 1st. During this time, applications will be approved on a “first come, first served” basis until capacity is achieved.
Required Vaccinations for 7th Graders
Students entering, attending, or transferring to seventh grade in Florida schools are required to have:
One dose of tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis vaccine (Tdap).
When your student has received his/her immunizations, please bring in the immunization certificate on Florida Form 680 to the front office prior to the first day of school.
Students will not be able to receive their schedule or start school without proper immunization documentation.
For questions, feel free to call the Front office at 833-4301.
Free Immunizations available at the Health Department (Appointments required)

Military and Family Life Counseling
Meigs Middle School is excited to announce the continuance of the Military & Family Life Counseling (MFLC) Program at our school this year. The Child & Youth Behavioral Counselor (CYB), offers short-term, non-medical counseling support to assist military youth, parents, family members and staff.
Typical issues the counselor addresses include:
School adjustment
Stress management and coping skills
Anger management/conflict resolution
Deployment and reintegration issues
Parenting, behavioral concerns
Fear, grief, and loss
The MFLC provides support through engaging in activities with the youth, being available to parents and staff to discuss interactions with youth and facilitating psycho-educational groups.