Join us for a weeklong fundraiser to support our local elementary school and a local business! For one week, purchase any drink and a portion of the sales will go to the Bluewater Elementary PTO. Lots of kid-friendly options!
Tell them you are a Bluewater Seminole!
Celebrate Literacy Week!
Please remember all transportation changes must be in writing. If you have a bus change, please include the bus stop on your note and the first and last name of the child. Changes are not accepted after 2:30 pm.
Per district policy, checkouts end 30 minutes before dismissal. This means
checkouts end at 2:50 pm every day.
We are HIRING! Check out the open positions available at!Jobs. We need a 3.5
hour cleaner in the evenings, and 2 ESE Classroom Assistants during the day. You
may also contact Mrs. Klugh for more information.
OCSD is working with County Emergency Management Officials who are monitoring a storm moving into our area tomorrow afternoon.
Following this morning's weather updates from County Emergency Management Officials, the District will communicate any potential adjustments to Friday's schedule to parents and the community.
No adjustments to Friday's schedule have been made at this time. Thank you.
OCSD is working with County Emergency Management Officials who are monitoring a storm moving into our area tomorrow afternoon.
Following this morning's weather updates from County Emergency Management Officials, the District will communicate any potential adjustments to Friday's schedule to parents and the community.
No adjustments to Friday's schedule have been made at this time. Thank you.
Today, Monday, January 8
- School will release at regular time
- Child Care closes today at 4:45 PM
Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 9
- School Closed
- No before or after school activities including extracurricular activities, tutoring, and daycare
Okaloosa Schools will resume on Wednesday, January 10.
Friday, December 15th, parent lunches will not be held due to several school-based activities that day. We will continue Friday lunches in the new year (weather permitting).
Winter Break begins with early dismissal on December 21, 2023, and continues through January 5th for students.
》December 21st - Bluewater Early Release @ 2:40 p.m.
》January 4th- Teacher workday/student holiday
》January 5th- District-wide professional development day/student holiday
》January 8th- Students' first day of the 2nd semester!
Don't forget to Fall Back on Sunday, November 5th at 2 AM.
Monday, October 9th is a Teacher Workday/Student Holiday!
Thank you for a great first day. As anticipated the first few days take a little longer than usual as we learn new routines.
Robo Call 5:33 PM 8/10/23 For car rider ramp-Please pull forward as far as you can. Please be sure your child’s name is in the window.
Gates open at 3:10. Please allow Parkwood residents to enter and exit their area. For all students, please be sure your child and their teacher know how they go home each day. Thank you again for a great first day. It’s a great year to be a Seminole.
Bluewater Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a dynamic community of involved and caring staff, teachers, and parents. Bluewater's PTO is an active organization with volunteer parents dedicated to ensuring the best possible educational opportunities for our students. We are devoted to finding opportunities that complement our school curriculum and provide opportunities for our staff, teachers, parents, and students to learn, socialize, communicate, and grow. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form:
We hope you are enjoying your summer vacation! Just a reminder, school starts in the fall for students on Thursday, August 10th! Visit for the full 2023-2024 School Year Calendar.
Two of our young ladies participated in the Princesses of Paradise Pageant for Special Needs this month. We would like to congratulate Alexandria "Allie" Drake and Sarah Cochran.
Happy Memorial Day!
New to Blue Parent Meetings and School Wide Orientation dates and times have been set for the 2023-24 school year. Full details can be found under Parents/Students on the website.
The 2023-2024 SY Supply List is now available! It can be found under the Parents/Students tab of the website.
Robo call going out at 5:20 PM- Friendly reminder that tomorrow is the last day of school. Early release begins at 2:35pm. Daycare closes at 4pm. Thank you for your continued support of Bluewater and have a great evening!
Please remember any medication left in the school clinic will be disposed of by the end of the school day Thursday, May 25th by 2 pm! Medication cannot be sent home with your child.