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Welcome to Bluewater Elementary!!
We have been a proud A+ school for 19 consecutive years. Results like these don't happen overnight. They come with months of preparation and dedication on the part of our teachers, support staff, and dedicated parents like you! We pride ourselves on creating a team of professionals to serve our students. We know that you will find our Bluewater teachers to be the best of the best!
Here is a video to help you create a Focus account. How to create a Focus account
Thank you for continuing to help us make student safety a top priority.
January 22, 2023 - The new year is here! But we are still only accepting registrations for this school year. As soon as Kindergarten registration is open for the 2023-24 school year, we will advertise on our website and Facebook page.
We are excited to welcome new students to Bluewater for the second semester. The Blue Crew student ambassadors have been hard at work with Mrs. McClaren, our guidance counselor, to make sure they feel welcome. This is one of the best parts about being a Purple Star School—kicking off our ambassador program.
We are so excited about Celebrate Literacy Week next week! We LOVE to celebrate reading because reading is such an important skill to possess for success in life. Research shows that “…students who read 15 minutes or more a day saw accelerated reading gains—that is, gains higher than the national average..” This is a great reason to celebrate literacy. We are currently dissecting our mid-year data points to determine academic skill gaps and chart a plan for success as we head into the second semester.
Our 100th DAY of school falls during Celebrate Literacy Week. We will use this day to collect “Change for Children.” This charity works to keep siblings together should they need to be in foster care temporarily. Check out more about this worthwhile charity at
Happy Retirement to Ms. Cheryl Patrick, our bookkeeper! We will miss you!
Thank you for your continued support of Bluewater!
Amy Klugh, Principal
Bluewater Elementary School