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Registration has begun for 2022-2023 by clicking here. You will need to call our school 850-833-4240 to set a registration appointment once you have completed the online process. You will need to bring: Proof of Residency: ONE of the following is REQUIRED: lease OR a mortgage document.
The second form of residency proof should be:
car/home insurance or bank statement with the document showing the address.
Florida Driver's License with current address will also count towards residency. (We DO NOT accept utility bills as proof of residency).
You will also need to bring: Birth Certificate (Original needed for birthdate verification) *must have for kindergarten,
Florida Immunization Form 680 (The local Health Dept or if you have a private physician here, can transfer the immunization to this form. If you are military, the Immunization Clinic can transfer these for you.)
Current school physical form-must have been completed less than a year from the first day of school.
The District has begun using Bus Bulletin to send notifications to parents if there are unexpected delays or schedule changes involving a student's bus. If you would like to receive these notifications, please register at the Bus Bulletin website. For more information, view the Bus Bulletin flyer.
TRANSPORTATION CHANGES - END at 2:30 PM each day. We CANNOT take transportation changes over the phone. You may email changes to It is a good idea to "cc" your child's teacher as well. We will send you a confirmation that we have received and recorded your change. If you do not receive a confirmation, please call the office at 833-4240.
After completing the online portion, please call 833-4240 to set up an appointment for registration.
Required Documentation:
Proof of Residency: ONE of the following is REQUIRED: lease OR a mortgage document.
The second form of residency proof should be car/home insurance or bank statement with the document showing the address. (We DO NOT accept utility bills as proof of residency).
Please also provide:
Florida Driver's License with current address
Birth Certificate (Original needed for birthdate verification) *must have for kindergarten
Florida Immunization Form 680 (The local Health Dept or if you have a private physician here, can transfer the immunization to this form. If you are military, the Immunization Clinic can transfer these for you.
School Physical Form
*There will be a few additional registration pages to complete upon arrival at school.
If you are unsure which school, you may be zoned for, please check out the School Site Locator.
School opens at 8:35 AM. Please DO NOT drop students off before this time!
Tardy Bell rings at 8:50 AM
School Dismissal begins at 3:20 PM
A driver's license is required for checking in and receiving a visitor's pass. Please display your visitor's pass in a prominent position so it is noticeable by faculty and staff at all times.