Parent Leaders Association

Our children all benefit when their parents are actively involved in the learning and fundraising opportunities at the school. The families with children at Plew are known as the Plew Parent Leader Association, Inc., or the Plew PLA.
Our organization is now recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, non-profit organization. This enables the funds we raise to stretch even further to provide for the many needs our students have that are not covered by the school budget.
Our mission is to enhance the educational experience of our children at Plew Elementary School, assisting the administration, teachers and staff to meet the needs of the students.
There is no membership fee connected with our association. The families of Plew students are automatically members of the Plew PLA. This means you have a vote at all our General Membership meetings, an invitation to attend all monthly Plew PLA meetings, and an opportunity to volunteer for all Plew PLA activities. This is your association, and we would like to hear your ideas.
December 2nd-6th-Mrs.CRIST-mas Shop
Monday, December 9-Spirit Night-Chick-Fil-A
Monday and Tuesday, December 16-17th, Spirit Nigh at at Salty Pop
PLA Meetings -2024-2025
August 20 - 6 p.m. in the Media Center
September 17 - 6 p.m. in the Media Center
October 15- 6 p.m. in the Media Center
November 19- 6p.m. in the Media Center
January 21 - 6 p.m. in the Media Center
February 18 - 6 p.m. in the Media Center
April 15 - 6 p.m. in the Media Center
May 20 - 6 p.m. in the Media Center
Executive Board Members - 2024-2025
President, Ashley Sallee
Vice President, Katherine Stephens
Secretary, Kristyn Szala
Treasurers, Callie Mayville and Jenna Fudge
Staff Liaison, Shawna Crist
New this year - PLA has its own website! Visit to view the calendar, shop the spirit store or get info about all our fundraising events.
Box Tops for Education
Plew is collecting Box Tops and we can scan grocery receipts on specially marked packaging. The requirement is that you must scan within 14 days of purchase. If you prefer, please send your receipts to the school, and volunteers will scan them for you. Each item scanned is worth 10 cents which adds up quickly!
Each year, approximately $2000 is raised for the school from Box Tops. Your help is needed to make this a success.
Learn more about the Box Tops for Education program.
Spirit Nights
It's as easy as going out to eat once a month to help out the school! Be sure to mention Plew and a portion of the of the proceeds will be give back to Plew PLA .