Child Care

Plew Panther Before and After School Child Care Program is provided for all students currently enrolled at Plew Elementary School on a first come first serve basis as space allows, and does not discriminate as to race or religion.
The purpose of Plew's Child Care Program is to provide a safe, fun, and interactive environment that allows each child to gain social skills, as well as provide opportunities to seek, explore, learn, and grow. The program must be self-sustaining and any excess contributions to overhead realized beyond the operating expenses will be used to enhance the total Plew Elementary School program.
Please note that we are not a daycare and are closed during Spring Break, Thanksgiving, Winter/Christmas Break, and all school holidays.
Important School Dates for Child Care: 2025
January 20, 2025, Monday (Martin Luther King)……………………………..................………Closed
February 17, 2025, Monday (President’s Day)………………………………....................……….Closed
March 3, 2025 Monday REGISTRATION SUMMER CAMP BEGINS……..........….….Open
March 14, 2025-March 21, 2025 (Spring Break)……………………………….....................… Closed
March 24, 2025 - Monday (Teacher Workday)……………………………..................………….Closed
May 26, 2025- Monday (Memorial Day)……………………………………........................………..Closed
May 29, 2025,Thursday (Last Day of School)………………………....................……….……….…Open
May 30, 2025 (Teacher Work Day/Summer Prep Day Care…….............………….……Closed
June 2, 2025- Monday FIRST DAY SUMMER CAMP………………….....................….……….Open
July 4, 2025 Friday (4th of July)……………………………………………………......................……….. Closed
August 1, 2025 Friday LAST DAY SUMMER CAMP……………….....................………....…… Open
August 11, 2025 Monday (First Day of School)….………………………........................………… Open
We offer care for the following: before/after school, teacher workdays, and the summer. (Please see the summer brochure for additional information on our summer program and events). Brochures on our summer program will be available in the spring. You may also contact our program at (850) 833-4299 for additional information.
2024-2025 Child Care Registration Forms
Hours of Operation
Before School: 6:30 AM – 8:05 AM
After School: 2:50 PM – 6:00 PM
Teacher Workday: Closed unless otherwise notified
Teacher Workdays
Plew Child Care is typically NOT open for teacher workdays, but will inform parents/guardians if the child care will be open for teacher workdays.
We will provide advance notice before making any changes. Teacher Workday fee on non-field trip days is $20.00 per day per child. The charge for field-trip days is $25. Hours of operation will be 6:30 A.M. until 6:00 P.M. Breakfast and lunch will not be served in the lunchroom on Teacher Workdays. Snacks and drinks will be provided in the A.M. and P.M. hours. Please pack your child’s lunch and feel free to provide additional snacks for your child to eat throughout the day.
Spring Break
Plew Child Care will be CLOSED the week of Spring Break.
During the school year homework assistance is available for all students. Time is allotted for students to work on their homework. There are staff members available to help answer questions about homework and provide some assistance. Please note this is not a tutoring service and one on one attention is not always available as we have a limited staff. Reviewing your child’s homework and signing their planner is your responsibility.