Academic Team
The Plew Academic Team does a fine job of representing our school. Plew has a proud tradition of hard work and success that has seen our team earning upper place finishes in different academic quiz bowl competitions for many years!
All of Plew’s fifth grade can apply for a position on Plew’s Academic Team in October. Team members are carefully selected from the applicants. Team members must exhibit academic excellence, positive attitudes, good general knowledge, and a desire to learn new information.
Team members spend about 40 to 50 hours preparing for the Academic Team competitions. Each team competes from their own schoole, where they type a special password into the computer and begin answering the questions during a timed period. They answer as a team, using only paper, pencils, and their own super-charged brains to work together and figure out the correct responses!
For information on Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl where our A-Team competes regionally and nationally please visit their site.