Health Care at Silver Sands
Nurse: Claire McGraw
Health Tech: Dorie Ousley
Phone Number: 833-3364

***Parents please keep the front office and Clinic informed with up-to-date contact information for you and all emergency contacts***
Medications for headaches, upset stomach or other ailments must be provided by parents/guardians of the student. All medications to be administered must meet the following conditions:
A Dispersion of Medication Form must be filled out and signed by the student’s responsible party at the time that the medication is brought to school.
Medication must be in the original container.
Medication container must be labeled correctly with: Child’s name, medication name, strength, route, dosage, specific time for medication to be administered, directions, frequency, and expiration date.
Medications are received and stored under locked conditions in the Clinic.
Please check the expiration date on all medications/prescription labels.
When it is necessary for a student to keep medications with them at all times (i.e. Epi-pens or Inhalers), a physician’s order MUST be obtained specifically stating student may carry medication.
It is the responsibility of the student to report to the clinic at the appropriate time to take regularly scheduled medications.
The law requires all students entering into Florida public schools have a physical that is less than one year old and current immunizations.
Since all state laws are different regarding immunizations the student may be required to take additional vaccinations to stay IN school.
Students may get immunizations at the Okaloosa County Health Department or your private doctor.
Immunizations required for school entry are FREE at the Health Department.
Immunization hours at the FWB and Crestview Health Department vary. You may contact the FWB office at 833-9240.
Vomiting/Diarrhea: may return 24 hours after symptoms are gone.
Pinkeye/ eye infections with discharge: may return when eyes are clear or have been treated with antibiotics for 24 hours.
Fever (100.0F & over): student should be fever free without being medicated for 24 hours before returning to school.
Head Lice: after hair has been treated, student must be checked by clinic staff and found to be free of ALL lice and/or live nits.
Undiagnosed Rash: Any student with a rash of unknown origin, should be picked up by parent/guardian and advised to seek medical clearance to return to school.
We ask that all kindergarten and first graders bring an extra set of clothes with them to school.
If an accident happens and the student does not have a set of clothing to change into then you will be called and required to bring them a change of clothes.
A Health Care Technician is provided in every public school to care for children, staff, and support parents in their efforts to raise educated and healthy children.