OCSD is working with County Emergency Management Officials who are monitoring a storm system moving into our area Wednesday afternoon.
Following weather updates from County Emergency Management Officials, the District will communicate any potential adjustments to Wednesday's school day or after school activities.
No adjustments to Wednesday's schedule have been made at this time. Thank you.

08-1 has left campus. We apologize for the delay!

Parents of students who ride bus 08-1: The bus is delayed. We will notify you once the students leave campus.

Good Afternoon, Spartan families!
This is a friendly reminder that our students will be taking the B.E.S.T. Writing Assessment tomorrow morning. We will be on a modified bell schedule.
It is very important for your child to be well rested and be to school on time so they can show what they know on their assessment.
Thank you and have a great evening!

As the third nine-week grading period comes to a close, students and teachers alike are looking forward to a well-deserved break. The last day of the grading period is Thursday, March 14, and the first day of Spring Break is Friday, March 15. The break will continue through Friday, March 22, giving students and staff a full week to relax and recharge before heading back to school.
Monday, March 25, will be a Teacher Workday/Student Holiday, providing an extra day for teachers to prepare for the final stretch of the school year. We hope everyone has a fun, safe, and relaxing Spring Break and we look forward to having the OCSD Family back together on Tuesday, March 26!

08-5 has left campus.
We apologize for the delay.

Parents of students who ride 08-5: The bus is delayed. We will notify you when the students leave campus.

In recognition of President's Day, there is no school on Monday, February 19, 2024.

The next school dance is Friday, February 16 at Bruner from 3:00 - 4:45. Tickets are $5.00 and are on sale now. Tickets will not be on sale at the door. So buy your tickets now and avoid the long line on Friday. Armbands will be given out on Friday. Concessions will be open and all food & drinks are $2.00. 8th grade Superlatives will be announced at the dance.

Parent interest meeting for Bruner Golf team is scheduled for Tuesday, February 6 from 3:30 -4:00 in the library. See the flyer for more information. Try-out will be February 9 at Bruner from 2:45 - 3:30. Students must have a sports physical on file.

January 22 -26 is National Literacy Week!! Celebrate literacy week by dressing up engaging in fun activities. The dress up schedule is listed and posted in the school

In recognition of Martin Luther King Jr Day, school will be closed on Monday, January 15, 2024.

OCSD is working with County Emergency Management Officials who are monitoring a storm moving into our area tomorrow afternoon.
Following this morning's weather updates from County Emergency Management Officials, the District will communicate any potential adjustments to Friday's schedule to parents and the community.
No adjustments to Friday's schedule have been made at this time. Thank you.

OCSD is working with County Emergency Management Officials who are monitoring a storm moving into our area tomorrow afternoon.
Following this morning's weather updates from County Emergency Management Officials, the District will communicate any potential adjustments to Friday's schedule to parents and the community.
No adjustments to Friday's schedule have been made at this time. Thank you.

08-5 has left campus!

To the parents of students who ride bus 08-5: The bus is delayed. We will notify you when the bus leaves campus.

Thursday 12/21 is early release. Bruner middle school will release at 1:30 pm. Winter break is Dec 22 - Jan 3. Students will return on Jan 8, 2024.

Thank you to everyone who came out for our Title I Parent Engagement Night! Everyone was able to "escape" from the Escape Room.

Good afternoon Spartans families, just a reminder of our 2nd Family Engagement Night on December 11th. Copper Grill Food Truck from 4-6pm and presentation and Escape Room from 6:00-7:15pm. Looking forward to seeing you there. Please use link to RSVP. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZg0_gKU-99Mjq8DeVNH-gfmpbAxNltyRkbz0gVuyykF8XVw/viewform

08-5 has left the campus.