Title 1
Welcome to Bruner's Title 1 Page
Title I, Part A is intended to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments.
Who Do I Contact For More Information?
Jacqueline Colmon, Assistant Principal colmonj@okaloosaschools.com
Cory McElroy, Title 1 Teacher Cory McElroy
Or call the school at (850) 833-3266
Upcoming Events
The following are upcoming events. Please try to attend. Click the link for more information
Out-of-Field Teachers
Haley Alnabulsi
Alec Jackson
Diamond Lopez
Rachel Nelson
Marcos Perez
Tammy Bernowski
Joy Hoffman
Allen Watson
Ryan Thompson
Kaylee Pho
Deanndra Mclane
Amy Brewer
Stacey Leeth
Shannon Scannon
Allison Linn
Anthony Buscemi
Jordan Segers
Jennifer Phillips