Title 1

Welcome to Bruner's Title 1 Page

Title I, Part A is intended to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. 

Who Do I Contact For More Information?

Jacqueline Colmon, Assistant Principal colmonj@okaloosaschools.com
Cory McElroy, Title 1 Teacher Cory McElroy
Or call the school at (850) 833-3266

Upcoming Events

ELL Parent Night-September 16th

Title I Parent Night-November 7th

Title I Parent Night-January 30th

ELL Parent Night-February 6th

Title I Parent Night-April 10th

Out-of-Field Teachers

Tammy Bernowski (ESOL)

Anthony Buscemi (ESOL)

Paul Edgeworth (ESOL)

Joy Hoffman (ESOL)

Rachael Lagozzino (ESOL)

Stacey Leeth (Guidance)

Deanndra McLane (ESOL)

Shannon Scannon (ESOL)

Jamey Taylor (ESOL)