
You may view the informational flyer and Order Your Yearbook Here. Bruner's order number is "10521". Yearbooks are $40.00 with a nameplate until September 13, beginning September 16 the yearbook is $45.00 without a nameplate.

Buy Your Yearbook

Who Are We?

The yearbook production staff created the yearbook - Spartacus. You will become a writer, photojournalist, graphic designer and editor. This is a stepping stone to mass communications and applied arts.

What Does Spartacus Do?

The staff produces the school's yearbook "Spartacus". The staff will learn to take photos that follow the rules of composition, report and dig for information so your stories, polls and captions come alive and words paint pictures.

Why Join Spartacus?

  • Enhance self-confidence and leadership skills through leadership activities;

  • Enhance your time management skills

  • You will be efficient at copy edit and proofread other's work

  • You will learn organization, planning, successful group dynamics, and leadership

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Phillips, Yearbook Adviser, at Bruner Middle School at 833-3266 or e-mail.