The Red Ribbon Campaign is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation, reaching millions of young people during Red Ribbon Week each year. Please consider allowing your child(ren) to participate in the following activities and contests:
Monday (10/24)- Superhero Day
Tuesday (10/25) – Wear RED & School-wide Pledge Wednesday (10/26) – Lei Off Drugs-wear lei or Hawaiian clothes
Thursday (10/27)- Wear your favorite TEAM Gear!
Friday (10/28)- Wear Sunglasses- Our future is so bright! Walk out on Drugs -PE time
Monday (10/31)-Disney Day!
Optional School Contest:
- Grade KG-2 (winners on Morning News & more) Coloring Contest -1 winner per grade level
- Grades 3-5 (winners on Morning News & more) Poster contest – 1 winner per grade level
- Contest Rules: Coloring Contest- crayon or colored pencils only. Student work & coloring only. Poster Contest- Students will create a poster that will send a strong, positive message on how they Celebrate Life & stay healthy. This poster should include pictures and an original message created by the student.
***Please turn coloring pages and posters in Mrs. McClaren by Thursday, October 20th ***