In order for our school to remain one of the best, we need your support! Our first fundraiser of the year is our annual "Invest for the Best" campaign from August 23rd - September 16th. This is a direct ask fundraiser to support Bluewater Elementary School.
We ask families to support staff luncheons, campus projects, PTO endeavors, Fall Festival Supplies, and Teacher allocations. This is an excellent way for family, friends, or even a business to make a tax-deductible donation. Many projects are on the horizon that cannot be completed without local support. Any amount, small or large, helps us enhance our wonderful school. Our goal for Invest for the Best is to raise $8,000 with over 50% participation. Our 2023-24 fundraising goal is $65,000 in total.
Please make checks payable to Bluewater Elementary School. If paying by cask, please send the exact amount and mark the envelope "Invest for the Best - Parent Teacher Organization."
New this year - online payment at We can provide Tax ID information upon request.