Dr. Seuss Week is coming to Northwood!
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Dr. Seuss Week Schedule
February 2023 Cougar Chatter
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
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Congratulations to Rhonda Piaget, Northwood's Teacher of the Year.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Piaget and Family
Piaget Sammons
Northwood Teachers
Northwood has something BIG coming soon! Here is a little clue. We can't wait to include all our families in our big event!
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Barber Pole
All Okaloosa County Schools will be start one hour later than normal tomorrow Wednesday, Jan 25. Northwood gates will open at 8:55. Daycare will begin at 7:00 AM instead of 6:00 AM.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
A significant line of weather is scheduled to come through Okaloosa County early tomorrow morning bringing the potential of damaging winds up to 70 miles per hour. The possibility of tornadoes cannot be ruled out. This weather system containing thunderstorms will pass through quickly according to Patrick Maddox, Director of Emergency Operations for Okaloosa County. The timing of the weather has the potential to impact bus transportation tomorrow morning during the first tier of school bus transportation. High winds will exist, and students may be waiting at bus stops in very inclement weather. For that reason, we will be shifting all school start times later by one hour tomorrow. All schools are impacted because of our tiered bus system. Since the first round of buses will be one hour late to the early start schools, that means that bus transportation to the second and third tier schools will be an hour late as well. Schools will end at their normal time tomorrow. District staff will end their work day at the normal time.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Tuesday, January 24 from 5-7 in the gym and cafeteria. Come learn about the human body with fun hands on activities.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
science night
Huge selection of gently used books on sale during Family Science Night Jan 24th 5-7pm in the cafeteria. All books are $0.50, so plan on shopping! Proceeds from the sale support Northwood CougarBots Robotics Team.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
used books
The transportation department has informed us that bus 21-39 will be approximately 45 minutes late. All inquiries should be directed to the Transportation Department at 689-7301.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Late School Bus
Check this out parents.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Parent Flyer
Mrs. Daniels and Mrs. Threadgold’s classes are working hard learning about circuits. They made circuits with wire, paper circuits, and even a circuit with the whole class holding hands.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Come to Family Science Night Tuesday, January 24 from 5-7 in the gym and cafeteria. Complete the activities and your name will be entered for a chance at one of these prizes!
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Tutoring has been cancelled for this afternoon.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Come work with us at Northwood Elementary! We are seeking a P.E. assistant and three ESE classroom assistants. For more information contact: https://www2.okaloosaschools.com/o/ocsd/page/application-hr Qualifications: AA Degree or passing score on paraprofessional examination or 60 hours of college credit. Share this announcement with friends and family.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Cougar with PE Balls
Mrs. Butler and Ms. Perry’s classes got to enjoy some matter floats to finish up our unit on changing states of matter!
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Used Book Sale runs Wed-Fri of this week. Thank you for all the donations. We have a large selection and still have more to put out. Students will go with their classes on a day of their teacher's choosing. Books are $0.50 unless small beginning readers which are $0.10. Please do not send in bills larger than $5.00. Proceeds go to CougarBots Robotics Team as they now prepare for Regional Championship.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
used book sale
used book sale
Congratulations to our Lego Team the Cougar Bots. They have been invited to compete in Regionals. We are very proud of them!
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Robotics Team
Robotics Team
Robotics Team
Robotics Team
The Jingle Bell Bus was another great success. We had 4 stops this year and over 200 attendees. The Grinch, along with Santa, help give out books and posed for pictures.
over 1 year ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Jingle Bell Bus
Jingle Bell Bus
Jingle Bell Bus
VPK Registration for 2023-2024 Parents are able to register for the 2023-2024 VPK certificate on January 1, 2023 at http://familyservices.floridaearlylearning.com . Your child must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2023. To complete the registration process at Northwood the following items are needed. *Printed copy of VPK voucher (child certificate of eligibility). Electronic copy will not be accepted. *Birth Certificate *Current Florida Certificate of Immunization on form 680 *School Physical dated no later than twelve months prior to the first day of school. If you do not have a current physical you will need to present one after your child's 4th birthday *Parent/legal guardian's driver's license *Two current proofs of residence. One proof of residence must be an in-county deed, mortgage/HUD statement, monthly mortgage statement or rental/lease agreement. The other proof of residence can be a utility bill or your driver's license (if it has your current address on it) Bring the above items in between 9:00 and 2:00 any school day beginning Tuesday, January 17, 2023. Additional paperwork will need to be completed at the school. We have a limited number of spaces available. VPK hours are 8:30 -2:30. Parent must provide transportation.
almost 2 years ago, Nerissa Castleberry
Florida VPK Banner
Mrs. Acosta’s Cool Snow-buddies!
almost 2 years ago, Nerissa Castleberry