CTE Institute

Career And Technical Education (CTE) is a unique program for high school students. CTE provides students with nationally recognized industry certifications and a solid foundation whether they plan to enter the workforce immediately after high school or continue their education at a career center, community college, or university.
Anthony Bryant - Digital Design 1, Web Design/Programming 1, 2, & 3 - https://www.mrbryant.org
Ivan McMillin - TV Production 1, 2, & 3
- website
FWBHS CTE Bio Med Teacher
Lauren Paizes PLTW Biomedical Science: Human Body Systems
PLTW Biomedical Science: Principles of Biomedical Science, Medical Interventions
FWBHS CTE Engineering Teacher
Frank Schwandt - PLTW Engineering: Introduction to Engineering Design
FWBHS CTE Building Trades Teacher
James Martin - Building Trades & Construction Design Technology