Advanced Placement

AICE Exams Information
AICE exams have been cancelled for the April/May/June series in all countries. However, students will receive a Cambridge score and certificate based on the knowledge and skills they have acquired. This will ensure students do not face disadvantage as a result of these extraordinary circumstances. Cambridge will provide guidance to schools on how students will receive those grades, and it will be based on students’ best available evidence. Cambridge is talking to universities worldwide, and they are factoring these unprecedented circumstances into admissions decisions, so students can continue with their education journeys as soon as possible. Additional information will be provided by the student’s AICE teacher beginning March 30 when online instruction begins. AICE teachers will continue to provide classroom instruction by providing assessments and assignments delivered directly from the teacher, and classroom grades will still be assigned through Gradebook.
AP Exams Information
All AP exams will be taken online through the student's MY AP account. Your AP teacher will provide the dates and details for those exams when online instruction begins on March 30. AP teachers will continue to provide classroom instruction by providing assessments and assignments delivered directly from the teacher, and/or through My AP Classroom. However, classroom grades will still be assigned through Gradebook.