All visitors are required to report to the school office upon arriving at school. Parents are encouraged and welcomed to visit the school, but we ask that you come through the office and not go directly to the classroom. Office personnel will be happy to send for your child, deliver a message, etc. This policy is for the protection of the students and to avoid disruption of classes. Student visitors and small children are not permitted to visit the school during school hours. Parents wanting to visit the classroom must make arrangements to do so at least 24 hours in advance with the teacher and administration. Parents will need to sign in at the office with their driver's license and obtain a visitor’s identification pass before visiting the classroom.
Checking Students Out
Parents must come to the office to receive a “checkout pass” when they are checking students out early from school. NO CHECKOUTS WILL BE PERMITTED AFTER 1:40 UNLESS THERE IS AN EMERGENCY. The parent will pick up a checkout pass signed and dated by the office staff. Office personnel will make an announcement to the classroom that the parent is coming to pick up the child in order to allow the child time to pack up. The parent will walk to the classroom and wait outside to avoid disturbing the class. Parents should not partake in any type of conference with teachers at this time. Students are not to leave the classroom with anyone until the clearance is given through a signed office “checkout pass.” Early check-out is acceptable only for situations such as doctor/dental appointments and illness. Please review the Attendance Policy regarding the unexcused removal of students before the official dismissal time.
Dismissal Procedures
Students will not be allowed to walk or ride their bike off the campus until 2:10.
Bicycle riders will report to the cafeteria to be dismissed after the buses have departed.
Students will no longer be released to parents walking up to the car rider areas hallways or cafeteria. All students that are not riding on a bus or picked up by a car at either designated car rider ramp (walkers) will be escorted to to be released after the buses leave at 2:10.
Parents who wait to pick up their children in the designated pick-up areas should remain in the vehicle.
All arrangements necessary for your child’s destination and transportation after school are expected to be made prior to the student’s arrival at school. This will reduce the number of messages and class interruptions. It will also assure that your student will understand exactly what to do after school each day. Please remember that unless the office is notified in writing before 1:00 pm, students will be required to go home the way they came to school or their normal way home.
Cars should have the appropriate documentation in plain view of the passenger side of the windshield for pick-up. Notify your child's teacher if you need one.
Kindergarten and first-grade bus students will be dismissed at 1:50 PM. Bus students in grades 2-5 will be dismissed at 2:00 PM.
Crestview Bus Shop: (850) 689-7301
Bus Routes
All arrangements necessary for your child’s destination and transportation after school are expected to be made prior to the student’s arrival at school. This will reduce the number of messages and class interruptions. It will also assure that your student will understand exactly what to do after school each day. Please remember that unless the office is notified in writing, students will be required to go home the way they came to school or their normal way home.
Bicycle Riders
Bicycle riders should observe all traffic regulations. All bicycles are to be parked in the bike area during the school day. Parents should provide an individual bike lock for their student’s bike. The school is not responsible for the loss or damage to bicycles.
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation is available to elementary students who meet the requirements of the Okaloosa County School Board. Only registered students may ride school buses. Students are expected to behave in an orderly manner and follow published rules and regulations to ensure the safety of all students. A list of bus rules and regulations will be sent home for you and your children to sign. The signed form must be returned to the bus driver at the beginning of the school year.
All students are expected to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner at the bus stops. Students must respect other people’s property by staying off the grass and away from shrubbery and flowerbeds.
Students who misbehave on the school bus will be referred to the principal’s office. On the first bus referral, the student will receive a warning. In the event of a second referral, parents will be contacted. Continued misbehavior may result in the suspension of the privilege of riding the bus to school.
School board policy states that no child shall be permitted to ride a school bus home that was not eligible for bus transportation in the morning. In the event a student is requesting to ride a bus home in the afternoon different than their regularly assigned bus, the following procedure must be followed:
1. The student must have a permission slip signed by the parent requesting permission for their child to ride the bus.
2. The student must take the parent's permission slip to the office to obtain a “bus pass” from office personnel.
3. The “bus pass” must then be presented to the bus driver.
Car Riders
Car riders should be dropped off no earlier than 7:00 AM and picked up no later than 2:15 PM at the front of the school building. Unless the school is notified by the parent or guardian, students must go home the same way they came to school.
Parents who wait to pick up their children in the designated pick-up areas should remain in the vehicle. If parents pick up their children prior to dismissal time, they must report to the main office in order to sign their child out. Students will not be released from their classroom until the dismissal bell.
Students who walk to school should walk on the left side of the street facing traffic and should use the sidewalks where available.
Links for Transportation
Transportation Safety Instructions for Parents and Students Brochure P. 1
Transportation Safety Instructions for Parents and Students Brochure P. 2
Links for Parents