Literacy Program
Literacy Coach
A literacy coach has been assigned to Bob Sikes to provide training and assist teachers in implementing a balanced literacy program. Each classroom teacher will visit an Observation Classroom at least twice each year to observe a balanced literacy model in action. These visits will be arranged with the literacy coach.
Balanced Literacy Program
A balanced literacy program is one that has a balanced amount of individual and large and small group instruction in the areas of reading and writing. The focus is on developing skills within each child that will allow him/her to problem solve effectively and become reflective, analytical learners. Classrooms should be organized so that students are engaged in authentic literacy tasks while the teacher is working with small groups of students. Essential areas to be addressed include explicit instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and the writing process through the following components.
Familiar Reading
Read Alouds/Interactive Read Alouds
Shared Reading
Guided Reading/Writing
Spelling/Word Study Work
Writing Workshop