
The primary objective of the Guidance Department is to assist students academically, personally, and socially.  Guidance works on the premise that developing an understanding of self and how one relates to others is central to a student’s education.  Social and emotional needs often take precedence over a student’s academic needs and those must be satisfied first if time and energy are to be available for academic growth.  This is handled through group guidance and on an individual counseling (preventive, developmental, and problem-centered) basis.

Students exhibiting learning or behavior difficulties are referred to the MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports).

If a student is referred for evaluation, parental permission is required.  All test results are shared with parents.  If a student qualifies for an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) program, parents are invited to a placement staffing to give permission for the student’s participation in the ESE program.


  • Jennifer Lewis, Assistant Principal

  • Dr. William Hill, School Counselor

  • Alli Sep, School Psychologist

  • Trisha Johnson, Staffing Specialist


  • Dr. William Hill, School Counselor

  • Megan Hanley, Mental Health Counselor/Social Worker

  • Desiree Palos, CDAC Counselor

  • Jessica Urena, MFLC Counselor (Military Student Support)

Educational Resources

Links for Guidance and Student Intervention Services