Child Care Program
Coordinator: Lakeyia Horn
Child Care Assistant: Anglea Cook
(850) 689-7280
A Before and After School Child Care Program is provided for Bob Sikes Elementary students each school day and during the summer.
Hours of Operation
Bob Sikes Child Care Before and After School Program
Child Care Holidays
(850) 689-7280
To sign your child(ren) up please stop by the childcare building between 3-5 pm Monday-Friday.
Registration fees are $40 per child. Fees need to be paid in advance.
The registration fee is due at the time of sign-up.
To pick up a child you must have your ID and have pick-up rights until childcare workers are accustomed to regular pick-up persons. This policy will remain throughout the school year. Childcare fees are to be paid on Monday for the following week. A late fee of $10.00 a day will be added on if not paid on time.. If you are two weeks behind on childcare your child will not be able to attend until the balance is paid in full. A $10.00 late fee will be charged every five minutes after 6 PM and must be paid at the time of pick-up. The same code of conduct that is expected during school hours will be expected in childcare. The childcare coordinator has the right to suspend a child at any time without notice. Drop-ins must pay at the time of pick-up. A five-day consecutive vacation/illness week will be given to full-time enrollments only. Starts over every school year. If your child is sent home from school or childcare they have to be symptom-free with no medication for three days before returning to childcare or school. If your child comes before care please walk your child all the way into the classroom to ensure there is an adult to watch them.
For more information and to enroll, please review the
BSE Childcare Enrollment And Medication Form.