Military Families
Welcome to Bob Sikes Elementary School. We are committed to providing critical transitional support for military-connected students as they relocate to our school due to a parent's change in duty station. Our focus is to eliminate barriers to the academic success of military-connected students. We are here to assist and support the military family lifestyle in such areas as school transitions, frequent moves, deployment, and education inconsistencies that exist from state to state, along with many others.
Student To Student Transition Leadership Program
Here at Bob Sikes Elementary School, we have designated several students per grade level to assist with the transition of an incoming military child. These designated students have the opportunity to sit together at lunch to help them feel welcome. They to sit together at PE as well. We have designated a few of the 5th-grade students to assist with helping familiarize the student with the campus and expectations.
Each class that has a military student will select a student to be their “Military Leader.” If a child transitions into this classroom, they will be partnered with said “Military Leader” to assist with the transition to a new school.
Patriotic Pups
A club for military students whose parents/guardians are Activity Duty, Reserve, or Retired military members, as well as those who deploy with the armed services as Contractors and Civilians.
This club allows the students the opportunity to create a network of support with peers in similar situations. Many students and staff at Bob Sikes, have a personal understanding of the struggles and wonderful opportunities that the military lifestyle involves. Club members gather for social activities, crafts projects, learning opportunities, and participation in community events.
Our first meetings will be:
Grades K-2: September 6, 2022
Grades 3-5: September 20, 2022
Meetings will be held in Mrs. Vance’s room, which is room 7. The meetings start at 7:00 am. Please have your children there at 7:00 am, if possible, so we can begin on time. Students will be released to class at 7:25 am. Meetings will usually be held once monthly for each age group. Reminder flyers will typically be sent home.
Professional Development
Bob Sikes Elementary School staff receive professional development concerning how to identify and respond to the needs of military students and their families.
Military Student Open Enrollment
Bob Sikes Elementary School reserves at least 5% of controlled open enrollment seats, as defined in Section 1002.31, F.S., for military students.
Bob Sikes Military School Events
We honor and celebrate our military families throughout the year in many ways:
Monthly - military students have the opportunity to meet once monthly as a group during Patriotic Pups throughout the school year.
September - Constitution Week
September - National Self-Care Month
November - Veteran's Day Program/Breakfast
April - Month of the Military Child
Students will also do several community outreach programs throughout the school year and are encouraged to participate in local community parades

OCSD Resources for Military Families
The OkaloosaSchools.com website has a detailed list of Military Family Resources and Educational Opportunities to best assist your family. It contains a PCS document, services, programs, educational resources, and so much more to aid in the success of your educational goals.
OCSD Military Families Tool-Kit
Academic Planning for Military Families
Military parents also have the opportunity to meet with the school's registrar and administration upon request. During this time, the student's previous placement will be looked at to determine the best placement for the incoming student at Bob Sikes.
Exceptional Student Education Services
Bob Sikes has two ESE professionals who work individually with the students who qualify for exceptional education services.
Mental Health Challenges Facing Military Students
Bob Sikes has a Child Youth and Behavior - Military Family Life Counselor (CYB-MFLC) who meets with military children regularly and can be contacted here at the school if the student is in need of more specific counseling services to determine how we can best meet the student's needs.
Bob Sikes Named Purple Star School