Attention Upcoming 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders:
If you are interest in the 2025-2026 Shoal River Middle School FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) and Drone team program, please fill out the information and signed contract. Return only information sheet and contract to Mrs. Allen. Give the teacher recommendations to two teachers and have them
return the form to me. Upcoming 6th graders, your two teachers will need to courier your recommendations to Mrs. Allen at Shoal River and parents will need to drop off the paperwork to the SRMS front office or scan and email to Mrs. Allen. We are excited to be able to offer M/J Research elective as a robotics team and research class. Students who are chosen to be on the team will have an elective choice replaced with M/J Research elective when we are populating schedules.
FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) and Drone team Application
If you have questions contact Mrs. Allen at