Shoal River Guidance

Guidance Team Members

School Counselor  Michelle Adams

Serving Students with Last Names A-K

ELL Coordinator

School Counselor Tara Chatman

Serving Students with Last Names L-Z

Guidance Secretary

Guadeloupe Salas-Garcia

Mental Health Counselor

Pamela Pierce

Staffing Specialist

Social Worker

Miriam McGriff

Request to Speak to a Counselor

Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)

The Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) process is the way the school identifies students in need of additional support. This model uses evidence-based practices to design instruction that uses data-based problem-solving to design and implement academic and behavioral interventions. Parents/Guardians should contact their student's counselor to discuss concerns. 

               MTSS brochure  / MTSS parent guide

English Language Learners Information

ESOL Mission Statement

Through our program, we strive to create supportive learning environments which value and build on students’ academic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds.  To achieve this, we aim to build teachers’ skills to employ the best instructional practices as we encourage a community of cooperative learning among teachers, the district, parents, and communities.

ESOL Program Goals

  • To promote an appreciation of different cultures and their contributions to our society

  • To ensure that ELLs receive comprehensible instruction by supporting schools and adhering to state and federal rules

  • To provide supplemental support to teachers of ELLs

  • To provide evidence-based academic supports to assist ELL academic achievement and English language acquisition 

For more information on the District's ELL program visit the Okaloosa Schools ESOL website.

For more information on Shoal River's ELL program contact Michelle Adams, SRMS's ELL Coordinator.

Important Note : Emails will be monitored during normal school hours. If you are in crisis (you are a threat to yourselves, to others, or in physical danger) and you need immediate assistance outside of school hours please call 911 or the

Mobile Response Team at 866.517.7766

If you or someone you know is struggling with ideas of self-harm or suicide use these:


Self-harm: Text CONNECT to 741741 OR call 1-800-366-8288

Suicide: Text HELLO to 741741 OR call 1-800-273-8255​

Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255​

Call 1-800-DONT CUT

Call 1-800-THERAPIST