Andrews Institute 2023 Summer Concussion Schedule
The testing date for Shoal River MS will be June 7, 2023
Andrews Institute Sports Medicine Outreach is excited to continue to be able to offer concussion baseline testing to our student-athletes.
Each year, Andrews Institute Athletic Trainers provide free neurocognitive baseline assessments to middle and high school student-athletes. These assessments are not used to diagnose concussion; rather they help make appropriate return to sport decisions by comparing baseline to post-injury test scores. These assessments are performed before the sports season and are considered valid for 2 years.
Okaloosa County School District strongly recommends a valid and complete neurocognitive baseline test be established for each high school and middle school student-athletes prior to sport participation, however student-athletes are required to have a valid baseline test on file or an official form on file declining testing.
Each student-athlete must have a signed consent form with them to participate in baseline testing.
2023 Okaloosa Concussion Baseline Testing Consent
Okaloosa MS Baseline Testing Flyer 2023
The testing date for Shoal River MS will be June 7, 2023. Students and/or guardians should contact the athletic trainer listed below for any questions or concerns.
Student-athletes need to arrive no later than their assigned time. Parents are not required to accompany students during testing; students can be dropped off with their signed consent form. Expect testing to take 45 mins to 1 hour.
Athletic Trainer Contact: Kelsey Reich (484) 706-0533