This November, a select group of students from Niceville High School's renowned Gifted Program will embark on an extraordinary journey to Shizuoka, Japan, to present their groundbreaking research at the prestigious Second World Congress of Marine Stations. Led by Richard A. Hernandez, M.Ed., Mem. MBA, the program has earned global recognition as the only high school participating in the international NaGISA marine biodiversity project. This rare distinction has provided Niceville students invaluable international scientific collaboration and personal growth opportunities.
NaGISA, which stands for "Natural Geography in Shore Areas," is a worldwide initiative studying marine biodiversity. Through their involvement in the project, Niceville students conduct vital fieldwork along Florida's coastline, collecting and analyzing marine samples from the waters of Henderson Beach. Their meticulous research contributes to a global marine life database and enhances our understanding of marine ecosystems. "Our students have the chance to bring lasting prestige to our school and community," said Richard Hernandez. "Presenting at this conference could lead to further invitations to international events, broadening the impact of our work."
In addition to NaGISA, the students are involved in several innovative research initiatives, including the Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) Project, which studies marine organisms using artificial reefs, DNA barcoding to identify species with precision, analyzing microplastics in local waters, and monitoring water quality. The program also works closely with Dr. Gustav Paulay from the University of Florida, who introduced the ARMS Project to Niceville High School.
Niceville High School is proud to send eight students, along with four adult chaperones, to represent the school on the world stage during a special trip to Japan over Thanksgiving week. The cost per student is approximately $4,500, and the program is actively seeking community support to help cover travel expenses. If you're interested in contributing to this exciting opportunity, please contact Richard Hernandez at Niceville High School or donate online at
For more details, visit the NaGISA program’s official website at