Charlie Marello was recently recognized by OCSD as part of October's National Principal Appreciation Month.
“It takes an army to run a school. Students, faculty, and staff can make all the difference, but people need to first feel valued and appreciated before they can create that atmosphere for others. That’s why Mr. Marello is so amazing! No matter who you are, or what you participate in (or don’t), he recognizes you and makes an effort to get to know you and every other student at NHS. He has created an environment of positivity and personal progress. He can be seen in the halls interacting with students no matter the time of day, on the sideline of every game no matter how far the drive, and helping students no matter the problem. Mr. Marello is one of the most inspirational and influential leaders I have had the pleasure of meeting.” – P. Roach, Student
“Mr. Marello bleeds all things maroon and finds a way to lead us and encourages us to dig deep each year, set new goals, and continue to strive to achieve greatness. He has created a culture at this school that empowers us all to be better! When our school excels, he always gives the credit back to his teachers, our students, and our community, but so much of our school’s success truly circles back to him. He is approachable, compassionate, competitive, full of energy, a great motivator, and a loyal leader and friend. He finds an incredible balance of supporting his faculty and staff, while also always making students a top priority. He is visible around the school and makes himself available to help always. We are honored to work for him and proud to have him be the leader of the nest and our head Eagle!” - Kendall Cragin, Teacher
Thank you for your Leadership at Niceville High School, Mr. Marello!