Principal's Desk

Mrs. Dawn Massey, Principal
Welcome to Florosa Elementary! Where students are independent learners, cooperative workers, strong leaders, and responsible citizens. I am looking forward working with you and your family this year. As we begin this journey let me assure you that the faculty and staff at Florosa provides high-quality learning experiences that lay the groundwork for college and career readiness. You will be invited to participate in parent information nights that will support you and your student in the quest for success. Florosa Elementary and Okaloosa County Schools are committed to academic excellence through rigorous and relevant curriculum, accountability, and the building of stakeholder relationships. I trust you will find the information on this website very useful.
I hope you will plan to visit Florosa and stay in close contact with your child's teacher throughout the year. Our staff will gladly schedule conferences to discuss the curriculum, the facility, or your child’s progress. There will be many opportunities throughout the year for you to visit and become involved in the school. Clear communication and teamwork will be the key to your child's success. Important information regarding school programs, district/community events, and important dates will be updated regularly. The Roadrunner Review Newsletter, Websites, Class Dojo, Twitter pages, weekly communication folders, student planners, and Blackboard Connect calls are a few of the ways information will be provided to you. Our number one priority is the development of your child.
I am looking forward to working with all of you to develop a partnership that will facilitate the success of your child and continue the academic excellence of Florosa. If you have questions, please call me at 850-833-4381.
Please check out the school’s website at and the district website for information concerning Florosa and Okaloosa Schools.
Dawn M. Massey Principal