The Guidance Counselor role at Florosa Elementary is to help any student in need of academic, social, and emotional assistance. Students may be referred to Guidance by teachers, parents, other staff members, and outside agencies. Our Guidance Counselor is involved in activities and services that will enhance the quality of our student's school experience. If you need to see the Guidance Counselor, check in at the front office, or leave a message with office personnel by calling (850) 833-4381.
The following is a list of the Guidance Counselor's responsibilities:
Provide services to students as needed through individual counseling, such as loss and grief, anger management, anxiety reduction, etc.
Serve as a resource for school personnel and coordinator of the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and standardized evaluation assessments.
504 Coordinator
Chair the guidance committee (referrals, assessments, interventions, placement)
Provide parents with information about community resources and referral agencies
School Assessment Coordinator
Train volunteers and schedule mentors to work with individual students
Coordinate with SRO on the school bullying program
Consult and collaborate with students, school staff, and outside personnel regarding educational, behavioral, and emotional concerns
Review records of new students and provide teachers with pertinent information
Be a student advocate
Brittany Allison, Guidance Counselor
(850) 833-4381