We look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow as we celebrate National Walk to School Day. We will meet at uptown station next to Buffalo Wild Wings-from 6:30-7am.
We will leave shortly afterwards to walk to EP by 715. Remember Mccallister's Deli will have coffee and light refreshments. Go 🦅
3 days ago, Scott Nuss
Please join us to celebrate National Walk to School day on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd at Uptown station. Arrival is between 6:30AM -7:00 AM. We will be leaving to walk to Elliott Point shortly after 7:00. We will meet in the parking lot next to Buffalo Wild Wings. This has been an annual tradition and we look forward to having another great turn out. The mayor of FWB will be joining us as well as local city council members including local law enforcement. For the 2nd year in a row , we are happy to have McCallister's Deli sponsoring us w/ some light refreshments. We look forward to seeing you there. Details are also posted on our Facebook.
6 days ago, Scott Nuss
Elliott Point Elementary will be CANCELING OPEN HOUSE on 9/25/24 due to potential inclement weather. We will reschedule at a late date.
Thank-you for you understanding.
10 days ago, Scott Nuss
We will still be having out SAC meeting tomorrow to welcome new members and cover necessary items.
A decision will be made tomorrow on whether or not we will still have OPEN house on Wednesday due to inclement weather conditions.
11 days ago, Scott Nuss
This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow (9/20) is picture day.
Upcoming :
9/23-9/27-Book Fair
9/24-SAC meeting @ 3:00
9/25-OPEN HOUSE 5-6:30 ( book fair will be open)
5:00 free Pizza and refreshments, Brief Title presentation , 5:30-6:30 visit classrooms
Please turn in ALL FIC cards completed ( small white half sheet card) , popsicles for classes with 100% turn in .
15 days ago, Scott Nuss
4th and 5th grade Parents,
We look forward to seeing ALL of you at our Parent Involvement night on Wednesday 9/18 from 5:00-6:00PM. We will have daycare available for those attending located in the media center. These nights are designed so you can learn directly from your child's teachers on the best ways to support your child in the classroom and maximize their potential. This is NOT the same as Open House. Details are posted on our Facebook page. We look forward to seeing a great turn out from our 4th and 5th grade parents. Other upcoming parent nights will be posted soon for K-3.
18 days ago, Scott Nuss
Please don't forget to return the SAC ballots no later than Tuesday. We are also looking for volunteers to help with the book fair, please look on our Facebook for a link soon. Some upcoming events :
9/16- @ 8 AM ( 20 min) Volunteer training in the media center-anyone interested in going on field trips/Volunteering must complete the volunteer affidavit online and watch the volunteer training video every year. We will provide multiple trainings throughout the year, this is the just the first one.
9/18-4th & 5th grade Parent Night 5:00-6:00- It takes ALL of us. We are looking for a great turn out. Please take 1 hour to learn how to support your child in the classroom and help maximize their potential.
9/20-Ind. School Pictures!!!
9/24-SAC meeting 3:00 media center
9/25-OPEN HOUSE 5-6:30
21 days ago, Scott Nuss
Parents this is a reminder tomorrow Thursday ( 9/12) , is the absolute final day for coupon book orders.
23 days ago, Scott Nuss
Parents , I typically don't send out messages back to back, but I do believe that some things deserve to be shared by themselves. Tomorrow marks 23 years since the tragedy of 9/11. I can clearly remember the exact place and time where I was teaching during that moment. Please support those that made the ultimate sacrifice as we support Patriot Day by wearing Red, White and Blue.Thank you for your understanding and Thank you to ALL of our first responders.🦅
24 days ago, Scott Nuss
Hopefully by now many of you have received the weather alerts from the school district, please know if anything changes we will do our best to keep you informed.
With that being said we will continue to operate as usual. All students should have received there FIC cards today. Please take a moment to look over the information and return them to your child's teacher. These cards are very important so the Classes that return 100% will get ice cream 🦅
24 days ago, Scott Nuss
As you noticed we have a few upcoming events and plenty more to come. We need your help. We will be having a PTO/PET meeting after school Monday @ 3:00 in the media center to discuss ways you can support EP and these events. I know we are all busy but I challenge you to see if you can spare just a few hours a month to help support Elliott Point Elementary. I look forward to seeing you there Monday @ 3:00 in the media center.
27 days ago, Scott Nuss
Parents it is hard to believe that we are almost half way through the first 9 weeks of school.
We have a few upcoming events that need to be on your calendar:
9/10-PTO/PET meeting @ 3:00 media center
9/11-Patriot's Day - Wear Red/White/Blue
9/18-4th and 5th grade Parent Involvement night ( Flyers going some soon)
9/20-School Pictures ( changed from 9/13)
9/23-9/25- Book Fair
9/25-Open House 5-6:30
9/26-SAC meeting 3:00 media center (updated ballots will be going home next week)
Have a wonderful weekend!
28 days ago, Scott Nuss
Thank-you for turning in your Coupon Book orders. Fundrays will be doing a final pickup next Thursday 9/12. Please send any $$ to school at that time ONLY.
9/5-1st P.E.T ( Parent Engagement Team) meeting tomorrow at 3:00 in the media center.
9/5-SAC parent ballots are due tomorrow
9/11-Patriot's Day- Red/White/Blue Day
about 1 month ago, Scott Nuss
As a reminder please turn in all coupon book orders tomorrow 9/4. Once the funds have been collected, students will receive their prizes within the next few days.
Thank you again for supporting our PE/Music program
about 1 month ago, Scott Nuss
I hope everyone is able to enjoy your 3 day Labor Day Weekend. Do not forget to send ALL orders in on Sept 4th for the Fundrays Coupon books.
We also have 2 wonderful parent groups that we encourage you to be involved in to support Elliott Point. The 2 groups are the SAC committee and P.E.T.
S.A.C ( school advisory committee) ballots for new members went home today ( yellow). Please return by Sept 5
Join our P.E.T (Parent Engagement Team). This group of parents work behind to scenes to help support numerous events throughout the year. We will have our first P.E.T meeting Thursday after school @ 3:00 in the media center. This meeting should only last 30-45 minutes. We look forward to seeing you there.
Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend! Go Eagles
about 1 month ago, Scott Nuss
Our Eagles have now completed their first 2 weeks of school and are back to some daily structure and routines that are much needed. We are excited to be back on schedule.
If you are a member of our Elliott Point SAC, please do not forget we have an important meeting on Tuesday 8/27 @ 3:00 in the media center.
Our Parent Engagement Team (P.E.T.) will be meeting soon, so please be on the lookout soon on our Facebook for a quick survey for possible meeting dates/times.
Put on your calendars- Elliott Point OPEN HOUSE, Wednesday ,Sept 25 from 5-6:30 and yes the Book Fair will be there. Enjoy you Weekend!
about 1 month ago, Scott Nuss
Yes we love our Elliott Point blue and yellow spirit days every Wednesday, but in lieu of football season it's time for Friday Favorite Teams day. We look forward to seeing Vikings, Indians, Gators , Noles and more tomorrow 🦅
about 1 month ago, Scott Nuss
Parents, this is for Monday 8/19/24 We have been informed from transportation that both
Bus 21-05 (Dolphin) & Bus 14-16 (Lobster) should be close to a normal schedule today. Please still plan for a few minutes delay but overall both buses should be close to being on schedule for Elliott Point. Thank-you
about 2 months ago, Scott Nuss
Parents, this is Friday 8/16/24-Bus 22-12 (Which is the alternate bus for 21-05) has just left Elliott Point and is on its route. Please plan accordingly
about 2 months ago, Scott Nuss
Parents, this is for Friday 8/16/24, Bus 22-12 (Which is the alternate bus for 21-05-Dolphin) may be up to an hour late again from Elliott Point & Bus 14-16 (lobster) may be up to 30 minutes late again for Elliott Point Please plan accordingly.
about 2 months ago, Scott Nuss