School Profile
DMS at a glance...Our Profile...
Destin Middle School is a public school in the Northwest section of the Florida Panhandle along Florida's beautiful Emerald Coast. The city of Destin has a population of approximately 13,700 full-time residents. The diverse population includes military, retirees, health care, entrepreneurs, and the hospitality industry. Approximately 825 students are currently enrolled in grades five through eight. The faculty and staff dedicate themselves to promoting excellence in academic achievement. Destin Middle School's curriculum offers opportunities and advantages for all levels of students. These efforts include Honors/Advanced, Career Training, Support Facilitation for ESE, Intensive Reading, and Intensive Math. We also offer courses for 7th and 8th grade students in which they can obtain high school credit. These courses are as follows: Spanish I, Fundamentals of Web Design, Foundations of Web-Design, Algebra I Honors, Geometry, and Physical Science Honors. Destin Middle School emphasizes the arts to encourage multiple types of intelligence found among our student population. Students may select electives such as: Beginning Band, Intermediate Band, Symphonic Band, Beginning Spanish, Weightlifting, Fitness and Tumbling, Business Keyboarding, Leadership, Physical Education, 2D/3D Art, Introduction to Technology/STEM, Exploring Technology/STEM, and Robotics/STEM. Courses are available for advanced students in the following subjects: Algebra I Honors, Geometry, Advanced Math Grades 5 - 7, World History Advanced, Advanced Civics, U.S. History Advanced, Advanced ELA Grades 6-8, Advanced Science Grades 6-8, and Physical Science Honors. Destin Middle School continues to offer a comprehensive sports program available for boys and girls as well as an array of extracurricular programs.
DMS is proud of its Florida A+ school ratings. Presently, our racial composition is as follows: 76% are Caucasian, 2% are Asian, 10% are Hispanic, 3% are African American and 8% are multi-Racial. Destin Middle continues to be a school of choice from the neighboring military community of Bluewater Bay. We have approximately 39% of our student population who are on free or reduced lunch.
Community and parent support are crucial to Destin Middle School and is achieved through our School Advisory Council, PTSA, volunteer and mentoring programs.