Military Families
Welcome to Davidson Middle School. We are committed to providing critical transitional support for military-connected students who relocate to our school due to a parent's change in duty station. Our focus is to eliminate barriers to the academic success of military-connected students. We are here to assist and support the military family lifestyle in such areas as school transitions, frequent moves, deployment, and education inconsistencies from state to state, etc. Professional development is provided annually to staff concerning how to identify and respond to the needs of military students and their families.
*Per School Board Policy 04-48, at least 5% of controlled open enrollment seats are reserved for military students as defined in Section 1002.31, F.S.
Military Point of Contact - Sarah Glesenkamp
Military Family Life Counselor - available and on campus all week
Team Eglin School Liaison Officer (Eglin AFB, 7thSFG, and Duke Field)
Ms. Elaine LaJeunesse
2579 Gaffney Road
Eglin AFB, FL 32542
Phone: (850) 882-4319
(DSN) (312) 872-4319
Email: Elaine.LaJeunesse@us.af.mil
Website: www.EglinLIFE.com/slo/index.html
H.O.M.E. Student Transition Program
Upon enrollment, our guidance team will answer your questions related to courses, sports, clubs, and other school activities. On the first day of school, our military transition student leader, Aubrey, will pair your student with a Davidson military peer who will give them a tour of our campus, as well as introduce them to their teachers and the military family life counselor. Our military family life counselor will add your child to one of our lunch groups for military students based on interests. This will be a great time for your new Panther to ask any questions they may have about DMS. Within a few weeks, you should be contacted by a member of our guidance department to ensure that the transition process is going smoothly and to answer any questions you may have.
Professional Development
Davidson Middle School staff receive professional development concerning how to identify and respond to the needs of military students and their families.
Military Student Open Enrollment
Davidson Middle School reserves at least 5% of controlled open enrollment seats, as defined in Section 1002.31, F.S., for military students.
Davidson Military School Events
We honor and celebrate our military families throughout the year in many ways:
September - Constitution Week
November - Veterans Day Activities
April - Month of the Military Child

OCSD Resources for Military Families
The OkaloosaSchools.com website has a detailed list of Military Family Resources and Educational Opportunities to best assist your family. It contains a PCS document, services, programs, educational resources, and so much more to aid in the success of your educational goals.
OCSD Military Families Tool-Kit
Davidson MS Named a Purple Star School